Minor in Coaching

Students will select at least FIVE of the following courses to fulfill the requirements of the Coaching Minor. Students must pass all courses listed below with minimum grade of “C-.” 
(Courses noted with an * are required for the concentration.)  

EXCS 1154     First Aid: Responding to Emergencies
EXCS 2311     Survey of Strength & Conditioning
EXCS 3305     Sports Psychology
EXCS 3310*   Coaching Theory and Methods
EXCS 3313     Leadership in Physical Education and Athletics
EXCS 3332     Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries/Illness
EXCS 3360     Motor Behavior and Control
EXCS 4311     Principles of Strength & Conditioning
EXCS 4325     Exercise and Sports Nutrition
EXCS 4400     Internship in Physical Education/Coaching

Last updated: 02/15/2022